This is my favorite poem.
It describes about the choices that we have in our life.
Every path that we took, the outcome will definitely be different and not easy as we walk on that chosen path.
In our life, there are always choices given.
Either we choose one or another there are pro's and con's of the choice.
Every path that we took, we are always need to struggle.
Need to put 100% as there are always hard time occurr.
Don’t give up and remember there is always another path as we move further.
2011 fighting!!
December 22, 2010
Junction In Life?
December 18, 2010
Good Bye 2010!!
Now is December 2010!!
Time flies so fast!!
old already
but it doesn't give a big deal actually..haha..i'm still mom's spoiled daughter~
Anyway as this year gonna end i hope next year 2011 will give a lot of bless and much better than this year 2010..
year 2010,there are still a lot to cherish until the end of this year..
Happy New Year everybody!!
July 02, 2010
Origami Daisuki~

Just fall in love with making the Origami~
I just learn it from the website..It was so fun & easy.. =)
Seem childish but hey~ it was the best thing to do to kill time..
Well,after I made it and send the pic to someone,they also try it out..
Haha..funny but it was fun right? :)
June 23, 2010
Just finish watching Toy Story 1,2 & 3~
Haha..old skol movie but i fall deeply truly in love with it!
I had watch it for second time without felt bored!! What a surprise!!
I hope there will be Toy Story 4!!!
The last Toy Story was so sad and i cried even i'm watching it for second time.. :(
Anyway it was a REALLY good story..
I like this kind of story because its was so honest and true.
How many of us keep our childhood's toys??
Even you had it now,do you play with it like you always do when you're a kid?
I bet no right..
Therefore,like the character in this Toy Story said "Toy will never forget their kid,but Kid always forget their toy"
Enjoy the movie!! :)
March 23, 2010
Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2010
We had a chance to ride it but unfortunately its raining.
To begin with,we wake-up early the morning and went to putrajaya around 7am.
The queue was so long that the ticket was sold out before it gets us.
There are just 300 tickets but the people who want to ride it were millions!
Then we go home and come again around 2.45pm.The booth ticket open at 5.30pm.
So we wait the for 2 hour 15 min and luckily we got the ticket.
We are so happy and proud.
But around 6pm the dark cloud appeared and it starts to rain and windy.
The person charge said if the rain stop we had a chance to ride it.
We when to Alamanda for dinner at McD and went back to putrajaya again at 8pm.
The rain was stop but the charged people there said that their probs was wet.
I think its not true but they are so lazy on the last day. (so sad!)
Therefore,the chance blow away as the last event was cancel.
We are so near yet so far away..
March 19, 2010
I Dont Know, Birthday and Broga
Halu~ Long time no see~ (^.^)v
..I dun know wat to write...
Recently doing:
-watching Survivor series
-listening to music/hitz fm
-finishing the labs and midterm
-watching J-drama
Looking forward to:
-study with a lot of determination and in peace
-attending the Japanese Culture Night
-go to OU to buy DIY cards
Here some photos taken early this year:
My birthday together with Wani, Amir and Amir

Hiking at Broga with Friends

Recently doing:
-watching Survivor series
-listening to music/hitz fm
-finishing the labs and midterm
-watching J-drama
Looking forward to:
-study with a lot of determination and in peace
-attending the Japanese Culture Night
-go to OU to buy DIY cards
Here some photos taken early this year:
My birthday together with Wani, Amir and Amir

Hiking at Broga with Friends

January 26, 2010
monobright - Kodoku no Taiyou PV
kodoku no taiyou kagayaiteiru
boku wo nayamaseru shourai wa naze ima kimeru no?
kodoku no tabiji ya shouri wa nanno tameni aru no?
odayaka ni ikiru shounen odayaka naru seimei
jidai wo mitsuzuketa tsuki ga boku ni katari dasu
anata no aruku michishirube ga watashi nara
mabushikute tsuyoi kokoro de watashi wo terasu to ii
jibun wo torikakomu shyoui no nami ga oshiyose
sonna namiuchigiwa de boku wa dou surebaiika?
anata to watashi no suuki na unmei wa
kanashikute setsunai umi no naka sorede mo oyogidasu
kodoku no taiyou kagayaiteiru
soreto wa shirazu tada damatteru
jounetsu no aka moetsukiru made
tsumetaku monaku atsui to shirazu
tsuki ga sasayaiteiru komoriuta no you
kodoku no taiyou wa terashi tsuzukeru
anata no aruku michishirube ga watashi nara
mabushikute tsuyoi kokoro de
watashi wo terasu to ii
anata to watashi no suki na unmei wa
kawaita mujou naru jidai no naka
soredemo arukidasu
soredemo arukidasu
PS:i looovee this song..also the Jdrama,Samurai High School!! Sugoi nee~
January 18, 2010
Two Two
Happie birthday to me~!!
Thanks a lot to friends who wishes me Happy Bday.
I really appreciate it. (so much!)
Besides,its year 2010 now!!
Bday on first day class of new semester.
Also result is out on my bday..gosh its getting worse.
Still need to re-sit for two paper..what a shame!
I really not satisfied with the result as my coursework mark is high..
I suppose to pass this sem!
haaaaa~~ baka-desu nee!!
Therefore,to grad----need more time..Sorry!
Thanks a lot to friends who wishes me Happy Bday.
I really appreciate it. (so much!)
Besides,its year 2010 now!!
Bday on first day class of new semester.
Also result is out on my bday..gosh its getting worse.
Still need to re-sit for two paper..what a shame!
I really not satisfied with the result as my coursework mark is high..
I suppose to pass this sem!
haaaaa~~ baka-desu nee!!
Therefore,to grad----need more time..Sorry!
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