dats all i can say 4 wat they have done to me for dis nite n for the past 3years.
they are my friends who always be there whenever i need them.
they have color my life.really2 grateful 4 dat.
i'm not sure wat will the future hold for me but with their cheer n support, i will face it n do much better than what i did in mmu.
Thanks my FRIENDS!!
its being my pleasure to meet someone like you guys and im very lucky
Nim,Am,Wani,Jiha,Wana,Alina,Toq,Kenit,Amir,Ome,Bobot,Saif,Azri,Kak Rin & Abg Im.
Im gonna miss u guys so much!!

Not forget my lovely roomate, Aida and other friends, Umi,Ross,Najat,Aa who always there for me. Thanks!
"Nothing Precious Than Friendship"
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