May 17, 2015

Jaja's Graduation Day

Clap* clap* clap*

congrats onion head

To : Jaja

Dear Jaja,

Congratulations on your graduation day!
Seem like you're two steps ahead from me now
But I'm gonna catch up with you later, worry less and enjoy your day
During the event, I'm pretty disappointed that you didn't take selfie with the chancellor hahaha kidding~
I just want to say that no matter how much you've grow up, you (and Yah) will always be my little dongsaeng 
I love you and always do
Good luck in everything you do and always be positive and stop whining!


Your kind, lovely, cool and pretty beautiful unnie 
pretty onion head

May 08, 2015

Welcome Onboard Baby Zikri Qayyum


I just got a good news!
Just now 8th May 2015, my sister in law gave birth to baby boy!
Alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah swt 
Yeayy abang Qayyim dapat adik, nanti ada gang main ultraman..

tv baby 47

*Majlis Kenduri Kesyukuran MUHAMMAD ZIKRI QAYYUM on 19th May 2015, Monday